Course Description
The focus of this advanced training is to familiarize the new or seasoned police officer and all investigators, with the various disciplines of “detecting deception”. This is accomplished through learning to read non-verbal body language, neurolinguistics, and applying a cutting edge technique to analyze verbal and written statements.
Forensic Statement Analysis (FSA) is a scientific, investigative tool used to analyze written and/or oral statements taken from a person of “interest”, whether a suspect, victim, complainant, or a witness since the ultimate goal is to identify the truth. FSA eliminates or minimizes biases and prejudices and systematically determines the use and omissions of specific words, phrases, content, grammar and other identifiers to determine a truthful, balanced statement. A person’s own words will ultimately and unwittingly betray them as they provide indicators of deception through hidden clues of: “omissions”, “improper changes in language”, “lack of commitment” as well as identifying close and distant relationships to other person’s, objects and events. These and many other indicators are made obvious and readily identifiable to the trained individual. In advanced applications, statements can also be converted into numbers whereby they are subjected to a mathematical formula. Attendees will perform verbal analysis on videotaped oral interviews to practice and demonstrate the effectiveness of FSA. To further reinforce their proficiencies and understanding of these concepts attendees are assigned individual homework which will be reviewed on the following class day.
Course material is presented in an entertaining and easy-to-learn manner. Key learning points are emphasized through videos, demonstrations, and a respectful environment as questions are always welcome. After the course, attendees will be prepared to implement the new tools plus they will receive FREE, lifetime support, 24/7 from Law-Tech Consultants, to assist in the use of these tools.